Financial Services

Unblock Cloud Transformations and Enable New Growth Initiatives

Anjuna helps financial institutions secure sensitive/regulated workloads in the cloud, so they can innovate faster, reduce costs, and comply with ever-changing regulations.

Visualisation of security icons around a finger print

Bank Lifts & Shifts Cryptography Abstraction Layer

A multi-national bank implemented a Cryptography Abstraction Layer (CAL) to provide a unified API for many mission-critical transactions for applications across the globe. Anjuna allowed the bank to lift and shift the CAL to secure enclaves in the cloud – without expensive recoding of the application – reducing latency and enhancing performance.

Play with the interactive 3D visualization environment to learn more about this use case.

Left click drag to rotate. Two-finger drag / mouse wheel to zoom. Right click drag / Command (or Control) drag to pan.

Anjuna Seaglass Provides Intrinsic Cloud Security

The financial sector remains hesitant of public cloud. Only [.color-green]15% of banks'[.color-green] workloads have been migrated, with many [.color-green]mainframes left behind[.color-green]. Root access to compute exposes data, code and secrets in memory, leading to concerns about security, privacy, and compliance, stated by CISOs as key blockers. 

Anjuna offers a multi-cloud software platform that creates high-trust cloud environments where data is always encrypted and code is verified for authenticity. This definitive solution closes the compute security gap and enables institutions to confidently embrace the cloud, so they can focus on business objectives.

What Financial Institutions Can Achieve with Anjuna

Unblock Cloud Transformation

Migrate core banking applications to the cloud to improve business agility and scalability, while maintaining full control of your data with intrinsic security and confidentiality.

Accelerate Mainframe Offload

Move your Operational Data Stores (ODS) to the cloud to improve elasticity, lower costs, and improve customer digital experiences while maintaining privacy and security.

Simplify and Ensure Compliance

Protect data in use to remain compliant with GDPR or PCI DSS, and ensure data is stored in specific geographic regions to comply with data sovereignty regulation.

Multinational Bank Offloads Mainframe to the Cloud

A multinational bank used [.color-green]Anjuna Seaglass[.color-green] to overcome security and compliance concerns and finally migrate their Operational Data Store (ODS) to AWS Nitro Enclaves. By doing so, the bank improved their digital experience, streamlined compliance, massively reduced the load on their mainframe, and will end up saving millions in cost.

Play with the interactive 3D visualization environment to learn more about this use case.

Left click drag to rotate. Two-finger drag / mouse wheel to zoom. Right click drag / Command (or Control) drag to pan.

Financial Services

Case Studies

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International Bank Securely Scales Customer-Facing Cloud Service with Anjuna

"With Anjuna, we were not only able to move to the cloud while protecting customer data, but we could also do it in a fraction of the time and a fraction of the operating costs. An absolute game-changer that helped us stay on top of our cloud-first mandate."

CIO, Large International Bank
Enclave-level Protection for Multi-Party Computation for Digital Asset Custody

"Anjuna provided the level of security we envisioned for our Parfin MPC Custody system. Now, we can ensure our customers’ distributed key shares are protected by an additional layer of secure enclaves that wasn’t possible without Anjuna."

- Alex Buelau
CTO & Co-Founder, Parfin

Customer Success

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